
Increasing Fitness Class Bookings 10x For Enhance Fitness

Enhance Fitness is a startup trying to revolutionise Personal Training in the Middle East. Their goal is to make personal training affordable and accessible to anyone - with on-demand session booking via their native mobile app on iOS and Android. Their unique focus is on-going whole-body wellness, offering a range of different training styles, sports classes and trainers for all different levels of capability.

Enhance Fitness appointed Growthcurve as their growth marketing agency after hearing of our success helping other startups in The Middle East (like Hubpay) achieve record breaking fundraising rounds due to the growth we’ve generated. Growthcurve were tasked with growing the number of SQLs (Sales Qualified Leads) coming from paid marketing channels, including social, search and display.

Enhance’s existing process involved sales advisors chasing up leads that sign up via the mobile apps or via a one page enquiry form on the website. Information about leads was limited and didn’t provide sales with much background on each prospective customer. Paid campaign optimisation was also complicated by the fact that all leads are closed over the phone by sales and payment is sometimes made in Enhance’s partner gyms off-line, days or weeks after initial enquiry. This means that ad networks were not being fed payment conversion data fast enough train their algorithms to optimise performance toward paying users.

Given the limitations around booking and payment we identified the fastest possible way of delivering business impact as 1) increasing the volume of traffic by boosting campaign click through rate, 2) boosting conversion rate to lead by ensuring a hyper relevant joined up journey from ad to application, 3) improving the quality of leads by filtering them through an engaging interactive funnel and 4) advising enhances engineering team on an approach to attribution that would connect paying customers back to leads so campaign ROI could be established and media investment could be directed toward the most profitable channels, audiences and creative.

Growthcurve quickly engineered a mobile first, responsive landing page and funnel which enabled leads to make an application for the training of their choice based on Enhance’s full catalogue of sports and exercise classes. Our growth marketing and engineering team worked side by side to ensure each stage of the funnel was optimised for conversion with best practice User Interface patterns implemented from the outset.

Our media team then built out a dynamic feed of classes and worked with our creative studio to generate a full personalised ad to onboarding experience, across social media channels. Using fully dynamic ads meant that creative and messaging could be personalised for each viewer on the fly based on their interests, affinities and keywords they may have used. Once a viewer responds to an ad for a specific type of training the landing page would present the same type of training in the hero visuals helping users feel like Enhance really specialises in their preferred sport, and increasing their likelihood to convert.

With knowledge of the customers preferences marketing automation could also be personalised to engage and convert leads over time. Most importantly sales advisors, were now much more aware of the needs of each lead, including gender, age, locality, fitness level and preferred training type.

Our approach helped dramatically scale leads for enhance in a very short period of time setting the startup on a path to rapid growth which continues to this day.